Friday, December 10, 2010

I'm a versatile blogger!

A fellow writer and blogger, Suzy Turner, sent me a lovely note the other day, bestowing on me the honor of The Versatile Blogger award!  Suzy's blog can be found at  It features a link to her website, where you can sample her fabulous novel, Raven.

Per the requirements of this esteemed award, I must now list seven facts about myself.  So, here goes:

1.  I have a hard time thinking of facts to list about myself.
2.  I had a typical 70s and 80s childhood--lots of TV!-- and I've been thinking about television, and its probable early effects on my creativity.
3.  My favorite Charlie's Angel was Jaclyn Smith.  Off topic:  have you seen her lately?  She's 63, repeat...63.  Amazing.
4.  I preferred Hutch to Starsky, although in most cases, I usually preferred brunettes (refer to Jaclyn Smith comment).  There was, however, the episode where Hutch became addicted to heroin and I couldn't foresee a future with him and also was impressed with Starsky's heroism in rescuing his partner, but really, I mostly stuck with Hutch adoration.

Where was I?  Oh yes...
5.  My brother and I used to tape episodes of Mork and Mindy WITH A CASSETTE PLAYER, and listen to them later.  That show was hilarious.
6.  On The Facts of Life, I related most to Jo, although I wished she didn't have to be so boyish ALL the time.
7.  I watched soap operas as a child and young adult.  Many hours of soap operas.  (Refer to post below on "Old Friends.")

And now...I will pass this award on to seven more blogs.  If you have time, visit their sites, which I find extremely worthwhile.



  1. Nice posting, Mary! It's hard to find interesting and witty things to say about oneself, isn't it? But I can see you are up to the task!
    Regards, Elizabeth

  2. Thank you for the great honour, Mary! Now I'll have to figure out how to post that on mine ... hmmm ...

    I was a Hutch fan myself. And when Helena Bonham Carter was on that heroine show with him and he was madly in love with her, well, my fury was a thing to be feared!
