Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's a shame the way she makes me scrub the floor...

This week, I was invited to do a piece for Roz Harris's The Undercover Soundtrack, in which she asks writers to explore the influence of music on their craft. I really enjoyed thinking about the ways other art forms affect my creative process. You can read my entry here, and also read a bit about Roz's own book, which looks fascinating and now sits on my To-Read pile.

Because it's been a busy, mentally taxing week, I took a break today and listened to a lot of music, which for me, invariably leads to Mr. Dylan. I give you "Maggie's Farm," which most critics read as Dylan's rebellion against the protest folk movement but which I prefer to interpret as the artist's battle cry in a world of philistines (except for Maggie's ma, who seems pretty okay).


  1. I learned something new about you just now. I didn't now you were into Dylan. Nice. :)

  2. I love Dylan's lyrics and his voice. Can't open this video in the UK, copyright issues, but I have my Woodstock tapes. The timbre if some voices connects me emotionally to different times in my life. Listening to Dylan always lifts my mood into spirited rebel mode. :)
