For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been busy with other
reading obligations and so, I give you some French film suggestions, in keeping
with my summer theme.
The Intouchables (2012) – if you saw the 2017 American

From the opening pages of this slim novel, the voice of its
young narrator takes center stage. It’s an assured voice, with poetic strains—observant,
pensive, strangely aloof. When the book was published in 1954, the...

Knopf’s Poems of Paris, from the publisher’s Everyman’s
Library Pocket Series, was a nice companion to Mantel’s sometimes-overwhelming,
dense, historical novel. It’s a lovely little book, in a pleasing size. Some
"As soon as we express something, we devalue it strangely. We believe ourselves to have dived down into the depths of the abyss, and when we once again reach the surface, the drops of water on our pale fingertips no longer resemble the ocean from which they came...Nevertheless, the treasure shimmers in the darkness unchanged." ---Franz Kafka