Saturday, March 14, 2015

Poem for the Weekend: Genevieve Kaplan

This week, I went looking for some very contemporary poets. I found lots of good stuff, bookmarked a few journals that were new to me, and this was the poem that brought me back, again and again. You can read more about Genevieve Kaplan at her blog, The Forest and The Trees.

It is so sweet this sugar, the sugar

By Genevieve Kaplan

and it meant something and it meant something to me
soothing in the springtime though the seeds eaten

and it meant something and it meant something, something
in the springtime, through the seeds, prowling out of the night time
windows open, sash ajar, novices out (outshone) the bars, the slats
not as far away as we would like. soft (no). a hiss
to the monument of dusk coming quickly. how ought
I introduce it? how might it to me? soft time of the world, soft
hour of the hard night

1 comment:

"As soon as we express something, we devalue it strangely. We believe ourselves to have dived down into the depths of the abyss, and when we once again reach the surface, the drops of water on our pale fingertips no longer resemble the ocean from which they came...Nevertheless, the treasure shimmers in the darkness unchanged." ---Franz Kafka