Friday, September 5, 2014

Poem for the Weekend


Today's Poem for the Weekend comes from one of India's most well-known public figures. Sarojini Naidu has an amazing biography, which you can read here. She was the first female president of the Indian National Congress, a state governor, a suffragette, and a poet active in India's literary scene. Sometimes called "the Nightingale of India," she died in 1949.

Autumn Song

by Sarojini Naidu

Like a joy on the heart of a sorrow,
The sunset hangs on a cloud;
A golden storm of glittering sheaves,
Of fair and frail and fluttering leaves,
The wild wind blows in a cloud.

Hark to a voice that is calling
To my heart in the voice of the wind:
My heart is weary and sad and alone,
For its dreams like the fluttering leaves have gone,
And why should I stay behind?                             


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"As soon as we express something, we devalue it strangely. We believe ourselves to have dived down into the depths of the abyss, and when we once again reach the surface, the drops of water on our pale fingertips no longer resemble the ocean from which they came...Nevertheless, the treasure shimmers in the darkness unchanged." ---Franz Kafka