Friday, March 6, 2015

Poem for the Weekend: Jean Follain


Before he was a poet, Jean Follain was a lawyer and then, a judge. He grew up in the small town of Canisy, France, and spent his adult years in Paris. A short biography is here.

Dogs and Schoolboys

by Jean Follain (1903-1971)

The schoolboys crack the ice for fun
Along the path
Beside the railway tracks
They are warmly clothed
In old dark wool
With belts of polished leather
The dog that follows them
No longer has a bowl to eat from
He’s old
Since he’s their age.
And in his native French:
Chien aux écoliers
Les écoliers par jeu brisent la glace
dans un sentier
près du chemin de fer
on les a lourdement habillés
d’anciens lainages sombres
et ceinturés de cuirs fourbus
le chien qui les suit
n’a plus d’écuelle où manger tard
il est vieux
car il a leur age.


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"As soon as we express something, we devalue it strangely. We believe ourselves to have dived down into the depths of the abyss, and when we once again reach the surface, the drops of water on our pale fingertips no longer resemble the ocean from which they came...Nevertheless, the treasure shimmers in the darkness unchanged." ---Franz Kafka